Assessing Conditions of Riparian-Wetland Corridors at the Area wide Level: Using Proper Functioning Condition (PFC) methodology - an interdisciplinary assessment tool.

Author: Federal

Media Type: Document

Water Monitoring Keywords: Field Methods

Water Resource Type: Streams / Rivers, Wetlands / Riparian

Resource Link:

Download Link: /media/library/content/Assessing-Conditions-of-Riparian-Wetland-Corridors-at-the-Areawide-Level.pdf

Specific Agency Author: Natural Resources and Conservation Services (NRCS)

The purpose of this report is to share a rapid assessment approach with field, area and state staffs of the NRCS and partner organizations who are involved with large area stream corridor assessments. The approach represents one way of inventorying and assessing a critical landscape element, streams and their associated riparian-wetland areas, at the area wide or watershed level.