Bureau of Land Management Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring Strategy For Integrated Renewable Resources Management (2011)

Author: Federal

Media Type: Document

Water Monitoring Keywords: Biological and Habitat, Field Methods

Water Resource Type: Broadly Applicable

Resource Link: https://aim.landscapetoolbox.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/AIM_strategy.pdf

Download Link: /media/library/content/Bureau-of-Land-Management-Assessment-Inventory-and-Monitoring-Strategy-For-Integrated-Renewable-Resources-Management-2011.pdf

Specific Agency Author: Bureau of Land Management (BLM)

"The AIM Strategy is intended to reach across programs, jurisdictions, stakeholders, and agencies to provide data and information valuable to decision makers. The strategy focuses on 10 management questions important to land managers at varying levels of the Bureau, from field office to national levels. To effectively manage renewable resources, the BLM needs information at multiple scales about resource extent, condition and trend, stressors, and the location and nature of authorized uses, disturbances, and projects."