Riparian Area Management: A User Guide to Assessing Proper Functioning Condition and Supporting Science for Lentic Areas (TR 1737-16, 1998)

Author: Federal

Media Type: Document

Water Monitoring Keywords: Biological and Habitat, Field Methods, Monitoring Planning

Water Resource Type: Wetlands / Riparian

Resource Link:

Download Link: /media/library/content/BLM-Proper-Functioning-Condition-PFC-Lentic-1.pdf

Specific Agency Author: Bureau of Land Management (BLM)

This document provides guidance for assessing the condition of any riparian-wetland area other than a lotic (riverine) area. Proper functioning condition (PFC) is a qualitative method for assessing the condition of riparian wetland areas. The PFC assessment refers to a consistent approach for considering hydrology, vegetation, and erosion/deposition (soils) attributes and processes to assess the condition of riparian wetland areas.