Water Fact Sheet

Author: University

Media Type: Document

Water Monitoring Keywords:

Water Resource Type: Broadly Applicable

Resource Link: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5498382ce4b015fce7f847a2/t/57c7244c9f7456b915e34ccf/1472668777218/WaterFactSheets_ALL.pdf

Download Link: /media/library/content/Water-Fact-Sheet.pdf

Specific Agency Author: Montana Watercourse of the Montana Water Center, Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC)

This short document provides a brief overview and answers many common questions about water in the state of Montana. Who owns the water in Montana? Who manages Montana's water? How much water is there and how is it used? Can groundwater meet the demand for new water uses in Montana? What is the history of water planning in Montana? How is water managed in the event of water shortages? What is water rights adjudication? How are instream flows protected? How are federal or tribal water rights protected? Water fact sheets terminology.