Water Quality 101 Webinar

Author: State

Media Type: Video

Water Monitoring Keywords: Biological Communities, Discharge (Flow), Field Method / Procedure, Field Methods, Monitoring Design, Monitoring Planning, Physical, Substrate, Volunteer Monitoring, Water Quality

Water Resource Type: Lakes / Reservoirs, Streams / Rivers

Resource Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MOzxy060OE

Specific Agency Author: MSU Extension Water Quality and Montana Department of Environmental Quality

Learn about the fundamentals of water quality as they relate to water monitoring during a Water Quality 101 webinar collaboratively hosted by Montana State University Extension, Montana Department of Environmental Quality, Monitoring Montana Waters, and MWCC. The webinar was geared for volunteer monitoring program coordinators but may be useful to anyone with an interest in water quality topics. This event wasn't in our usual Conservation Conversation style; it was a more traditional webinar presentation. View the recording and presentation slides. The Montana Department of Environmental Quality website has a variety of resources for volunteer monitoring groups, as does the MSU Extension Water Quality website [waterquality.montana.edu], and Monitoring Montana Waters program website. [flbs.umt.edu] The Volunteer Monitoring Catalogue (available here) outlines considerations for starting and running a monitoring program. The Montana Watershed Coordination Council has water monitoring information and a directory of state monitoring programs available on their website [mtwatersheds.org]. The data analysis resources touched on at the end of the webinar are available here [waterquality.montana.edu]. Additional links shared during the webinar: DEQ 7 (numeric water quality standards) - https://deq.mt.gov/files/Water/WQPB/Standards/PDF/DEQ7/DEQ-7.pdf DEQ 12A (Current numeric nutrient standards) -https://deq.mt.gov/files/Water/WQPB/Standards/PDF/NutrientRules/CircularDEQ12A_July2014_FINAL.pdf Administrative Rules of Montana - https://rules.mt.gov/gateway/ChapterHome.asp?Chapter=17%2E30