Riparian Area Management: A User Guide to Assessing Proper Functioning Condition and Supporting Science for Lotic Areas, Second Edition (TR 1737-15, 2015)

Author: Federal

Media Type: Document

Water Monitoring Keywords: Biological and Habitat, Field Methods, Monitoring Planning

Water Resource Type: Wetlands / Riparian

Resource Link:

Download Link: /media/library/content/BLM-Proper-Functioning-Condition-PFC-Lotic.pdf

Specific Agency Author: Bureau of Land Management (BLM)

Riparian areas are complex, dynamic ecosystems incorporating biological, physical, and chemical processes. The proper functioning condition (PFC) assessment method was created to qualitatively evaluate the foundation of these processes—specifically the functionality of the physical processes occurring on a stream. These physical processes include the interactions of hydrology, stabilizing vegetation, and geomorphology (soils and landform).